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How To Register with Taifa Care (SHA)

Looking to register for SHA (formerly NHIF)? The following guide breaks down the details for you.

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Magdalene Wanjohi

Written By: Magdalene Wanjohi


+1 Other
Kevin Muya (BCom)

Reviewed By: Kevin Muya (BCom)


The Social Health Authority (SHA) in Kenya is a government initiative established to streamline access to quality healthcare services, primarily through the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program.

SHA acts as an umbrella organization that coordinates and oversees the delivery of healthcare services at the county and national levels. It works to ensure every Kenyan, regardless of economic status has access to affordable, quality healthcare.

Enjoy Our “Do-It-For-You” SHA Registration Service

In a rush? Enjoy our do-it-for-you SHA, SHIF, Taifa Care online registration service. Get your account set up in minutes.

Purpose and Role of SHA

SHA serves as the backbone of Kenya’s healthcare reforms under the UHC framework. Its key functions include:

1. Regulation of Healthcare Services Ensuring that healthcare facilities comply with national standards.

2. Resource Allocation – Equitably distributing resources to counties to improve healthcare infrastructure.

3. Policy Implementation – Overseeing the rollout of healthcare policies, such as digital health initiatives and insurance schemes.

4. Public Health Programs – Leading initiatives in maternal health vaccination campaigns, and diseases prevention.

NOTE: SHA is the body that manages the healthcare insurance funds contributed by the public. This umbrella body also handles membership registration. Under SHA are three (3) distinctive funds each one with its unique mandate namely:

(1) SHIF – Social Health Insurance Fund

(2) PHCF – Primary Health Care Fund

(3) ECCF – Emergency Chronic & Clinical Illness Fund

Methods Used to Register for SHA in Kenya

There are two ways to register for SHA. These are (1) Online registration (i.e., from the website) (2) Through USSD Code *147#.

1. Online Registration

Step 1: Visit the Official Website

Open your web browser and go to

This is the primary platform for accessing SHA services and resources.

The Social Health Authority portal homepage screenshot as used in an article on how to register with SHA

Step 2: Create Account

Click on the ‘Register’ button prominently displayed on the homepage.

You will be redirected to the registration form.

The register button on the SHA portal

Once you click on ’Register’, a page appears requesting you to agree to the terms and conditions in order to proceed.

Accept terms and conditions

Step 3: Enter Personal Details

Fill in your personal information accurately. This includes:

  • First Name (as it appears on your National ID)
  • National ID Number (or Foreign Resident Certificate/Refugee ID for non-citizens)
  • Your Mobile number
Fill in your details as you register for SHA

When you fill in your details correctly click on ‘Proceed’.

Step 4: OTP Verification

You will receive a one-time-code through the mobile number that you filled in.

OTP verification

PS: Click on ‘Send code’ in order to receive the code.

Once you enter the code click on ’Proceed’.

Step 5: Create PIN

For your account to be secure you are required to create a 4-digit pin.

Create 4-digit pin

When done click on ‘Proceed’ to continue.

Step 6: Go through the Registration Guide

Read the 3-point registration guide that shows up. It comprises details on basic registration, adding dependants, and biometrics verification.

Registration guide

Once you’re done reading, click on the “Continue Registration” button at the bottom of the page.

Continue registration

Step 7:  Fill in your Identity Information

Upload your passport (optional), and fill in your personal information.

Fill in personal information
Click next to continue

Click on’ Next’ to continue.

Step 8:  Fill in the Contact Information

Fill in your contact information namely: Your phone number, alternative phone number, postal address, email address and your postal code.

Fill in the contact information
Click next to continue

When done click on ’Next’.

Step 9: Confirm and Submit Details

Ensure you go through your entire information, and also attest that the information you have provided is correct.

Confirm & submit details to register with SHA

When done click on ’Submit’.

Submit details

Step 10. Complete Registration

Once you click on ‘Submit’, your home page now appears showing your account and most importantly the Means Testing functionality. You will need to complete this test to help the SHA system calculate your premiums i.e. how much you’ll need to pay per month or per year.

2. Through USSD Code *147#

The *147# USSD code is a simple and efficient way to register for the State Health Authority (SHA) in Kenya. This code allows individuals to access SHA services, including registration, via their mobile phones without needing internet connectivity. Below is a step -by-step guide on how to use the *147# USSD code for registration.

Step 1: Dial *147# on your mobile phone

Ensure your phone has an active SIM card from a Kenyan mobile service provider.

Dial *147# to access SHA registration via USSD

You don’t need internet access to use this USSD code.

To proceed you have to press ‘Option 1’ which is For the Kenyan citizen or ‘Option 2’ if you’re a foreign resident.

Select whether Kenyan or Foreigner

Step 2: Enter Your National ID Number

You will be prompted to input your National ID number or other identification details such as a Passport or Birth Certificate number.

Enter your ID number

Step 3: Agree to Terms and Conditions

Accept the terms and conditions by responding with Option 1.

Accept the terms and conditions

Step 4: Select The Initials Letter of the County you come From

Select the first letter of your county of residence. For instance, for Nairobi you would need to choose number 4 as that’s where counties starting with letter fall under. For Mombasa you’d need to settle for number 3 and Wajir option on the menu and so forth.

Select The Initials Letter of the County you come From

Step 5: Select Your County According to the Names provided

Depending on the Initials you picked in the ‘Step 4’ above, names of the counties will appear whereby you can select your county accordingly.

Select your county

Step 6: Select Your Sub-County

Select your sub-county of residence from the list of sub-counties falling under your chosen county.

Select your sub county as you register with SHA in Kenya

Step 7: Fill in Your Employment Status

A list of employment status appears and you select your status accordingly.

Fill in your employment status

Step 8: Select your Civil Status

Select your civil status

Step 9: Fill in Your Disability Status

Are you living with a disability YES/NO

Step 10: Set Up Your 4-Digit PIN and Confirm

To keep your SHA account safe and secure you are required to set up a pin so as to keep your account safe.

Enter 4-digit PIN

Step 11: Confirm Your PIN

Confirm your PIN before proceeding.

PIN confirmation

Step 12: Confirm and Submit

Verify that the details you have provided are correct.

Acknowledge you have provided correct details

Step 12: Receive Confirmation

Once the registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation message informing you that your SHA application has been received and is queued for processing.

Our Do-It-For-You SHA Registration Service

This is a real-time service that enables you to get your SHA, SHIF, Taifa Care account registered fast, efficiently, and professionally.

Note! The service is charged upfront. Follow the following procedure to make the payment.

  1. Go to your M-PESA menu
  2. Select Lipa na M-PESA
  3. Select Pay Bill
  4. Enter Business no 880100
  5. Enter Account Number 9534700014
  6. Enter Amount Ksh 300
  7. Enter your 4-digit secret pin
  8. Confirm by selecting OK
  9. Fill in the required details in the form below


The Government of Kenya has introduced SHA, a new and enhanced public health insurance program. This initiative stands out from NHIF by offering a broader range of services and benefits to its members. For instance, SHA (SHIF) provides comprehensive coverage for chronic ailments, addressing a key area where NHIF often fell short.

A notable distinction between SHIF and NHIF is its focus on inclusivity for underprivileged members of society. Unlike NHIF, which required a flat rate of Ksh500 for all self-employed individuals, SHIF employs a graduated payment structure. Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds can pay as little as Ksh300, while wealthier members contribute slightly more, ensuring a fair distribution of the financial burden.

Enrollment in SHA requires mandatory completion of a Means Test. This assessment enables the government to determine premium amounts based on the applicant’s financial capacity, ensuring that contributions are equitable and aligned with individual circumstances.

How to Add a Spouse to SHA as Beneficiary

Your spouse first needs to sign-up for SHA and complete the Means Test so you can add them to your list of beneficiaries. To do that, you will need to provide their:

  • ID Number
  • Phone Number
  • OTP (when prompted)

You’ll also need to confirm if they are a contributor or not.

How to Contact SHA

0800720601 is the official contact number for the Social Health Authority (SHA). The line is manned 24/7. Other ways to get in touch with SHA are through their email address or making a visit to your nearest SHA branch or Huduma Centre.

Here’s a list of some SHA physical branches:

BranchCountyPhysical Address
SHA HeadquartersNairobi CityGround Floor, SHA Building, Ragati Road
KNH HospitalNairobi CityHospital Road, Nairobi, Kenya
EastleighNairobi CitySunrise Shopping Mall
WestlandsNairobi CityRainbow Towers
KangemiNairobi CityPalace Building, Co-Op Bank
BuruburuNairobi CityMesora Centre
GikombaNairobi CitySK Plaza
Mama Lucy Kibaki HospitalNairobi CitySpine Road, off Kangundo Rd
Industrial AreaNairobi CityLiberty Plaza, Opp Imara Junction, off Mombasa Rd
RuarakaNairobi CityICPAK Building, Near KCA University
KabarnetBaringoMart Properties Limited
Eldama RavineBaringoKCB Building 2nd Flr Mercy Hosp Rd
SotikBometBureti Tea Growers SACCO Building
BometBometAggie Plaza
BungomaBungomaDaimah Plaza (Bungoma-Kanduyi Rd)
WebuyeBungomaBettylyne BD, Ground Floor Webuye-Bungoma Rd
Busia  BusiaIngonyera House 2nd Floor Kisumu-Busia Road
ItenElgeyo MarakwetBaraka Plaza
KapsowarElgeyo MarakwetBandaptai Building
EmbuEmbuEastern Emporium 1st Floor Kenyatta Highway
GarissaGarissaNorthern Site Building, Sankuri Road
HomabayHomabayColdsprings Building 1st Floor
OyugisHomabayOlando Plaza GLD Floor
MbitaHomabayMbita District Hospital Admin Block
IsioloIsioloIbada Plaza 2nd Floor
KajiadoKajiadoHibo House 1st Floor Namanga RD
LoiktoktokKajiadoEmaparakuoni Plaza Ground FL.
KitengelaKajiadoEPZ Plaza, Kitengela
Ongata RongaiKajiadoMasai Mall
KakamegaKakamegaMega Mall 2nd Floor
MumiasKakamegaBemak House 2nd Floor, Off Nabongo Rd
KerichoKerichoSinedet Building 1st Floor, Kisumu-Busia Rd
KiambuKiambuMapa House Lower Ground, Biashara Street
LimuruKiambuNjegi Plaza,3rd Floor Market Street
ThikaKiambuNellion Centre Kenyatta Rd
RuiruKiambuGround Floor, Ruiru Business Centre, Next to Kenya Railways
KilifiKilifiEquity Building,1st Floor Kwa Charowamae Rd
MariakaniKilifiNHIF Office next to Total Service Station
MalindiKilifiBarani Plaza,1st Floor South Wing Jomo Kenyatta Rd
MtwapaKilifiShella Properties Limited
KerugoyaKirinyagaMachere Building,1st Floor
MweaKirinyagaDigital Complex, Makutano-Mwea Rd
KisiiKisiiOuru Complex,1st Floor, Kisii-Kisumu Rd
KisumuKisumuRe-Insurance Plaza, Ground Floor Oginga Odinga Street
KituiKituiZein Building,1st Floor Kilugya Street
MwingiKituiOsavinya Building 1st Floor
MutomoKituiMutomo Hospital
UkundaKwaleAli Mbarak Building, Ground Floor, Beach Rd
NanyukiLaikipiaCider Mall
NyahururuLaikipiaPosta Building, Ground Floor
LamuLamuZawadi House,Sea Front Rd
MachakosMachakosStandard Bank Building,1st Floor
MatuuMachakosBidii Textile Building,Gatangi Rd
KangundoMachakosHomeland Plaza,Tara-Kangundo Rd
Mwala/MasiiMachakosPeter Mulei Building, Masii-Tawa Rd
MakueniMakueniDouble K Plaza, Punda Rd
MakinduMakueniSiesta Guest House,1st Floor
KibweziMakueniMohammed Omar Building, Kibwezi Rd
ManderaManderaHaji Mohammed Building
MarsabitMarsabitDadacha House
MoyaleMarsabitShariff Guest House, Opposite Moyale, Police Station
MeruMeruNHIF Building, Tom Mboya Street
MauaMeruMaua Methodist Hospital
MigoriMigoriEmarald Plaza ,1st Floor
MombasaMombasaJubilee Building
Murang’aMurang’aArahuka Building,2nd Floor Kenyatta Building
NakuruNakuruAFC Building 1st Floor, Kijabe Rd
OlenguruoneNakuruDYMA Building Off Kiptagich-Olenguruone Rd
MoloNakuruCooperative Bank Building,1st Floor
NaivashaNakuruPrema Plaza
GilgilNakuru Barclays Bank Building
KapsabetNandiKapsabet Post Office Building,
Nandi HillsNandiNandi Hills Plaza
NarokNarokMaa Towers 1st Floor, Nairobi-Bomet Rd
KilgorisNarokKilgoris Business Centre
 NyamiraNyamiraSakami House,1st Floor (Main Street)
OlkalouNyandaruaBusiness Park Building,1st Floor
NyeriNyeriLwale Place 1st Floor,Kimathi way Field Marshal Mutungi Rd
OthayaNyeriNyeri Cooperative Union House, Ground Floor, Othaya-Mukurweini Rd
MaralalSamburuOryx Service Station, Ground Floor, Room 10
WambaSamburuWamba Mission Hospital
SiayaSiayaSiala Plaza,1st Floor, Court Rd
VoiTaita TavetaMughonyi Plaza,1st Floor
TavetaTaita TavetaTaveta Sub-County Hospital
HolaTana RiverRayaan Complex, Opposite Hola Stadium
ChukaTharaka-NithiBundi Plaza Building, Opposite Kenya Power,1st Floor
KitaleTrans NzoiaTrans Nzoia Teacher’s Plaza, Mazingira Rd
LodwarTurkanaAfrikana Building
EldoretUasin GishuKVDA Plaza, Ground Floor
MTRHUasin GishuMoi Referral Hospital
VihigaVihigaCherry House, Ground Floor
WajirWajirNasib House, Hospital Rd
KapenguriaWest PokotKazeto Building


The Social Health Authority (SHA) is a vital component of Kenya’s healthcare reform, aiming to make quality healthcare accessible to everyone. Whether you register online, via USSD, or in person, the process is straightforward and designed to accommodate everyone, including those in remote areas.

By registering for SHA, you secure access to affordable healthcare for yourself and your family, contributing to the broader goal of achieving Universal Health Coverage in Kenya.

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